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Kay's "High Alerts" > Wait for LIGHT
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Wait for LIGHT

Wait for LIGHT

Learn to wait upon the Lord. Wait until the inner confusion subsides. Be assured it will do so. Never make a decision in confusion no matter who says you must. Shift your attention to the Light within, with nothing but a FEELING of thanksgiving, thanksgiving, thanksgiving. Not for the confusion! We are not self-suffering masochists!  Rather, thanksgiving that we have hidden strength, hidden wisdom, hidden manna, which very gently says, as does a preoccupied parent suddenly becoming aware of her confused child, "Come on, come here, come unto me. Let me hold you in the cradle of God. And after you rest and commune with ME, you shall rise up as an eagle, you shall run and not be tired and when the time is just right, not before, the lion's mouth will close, a door will open, and we will walk with a merry heart right straight through what looked like a solid stone wall."   All Love, Kay ~The Rest of MySelf letter by Kay September 1989