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Kay's "High Alerts" > START with LIGHT
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Always start with LIGHT and the nature of Light.   What is the Nature?   Light has no dimension, it is undimensional, there is no dimension in It, anywhere.  This Light is infinite, INFINITE, so you can't draw circles around it.  Does that which has no dimension, no degrees, no planes, no elements (fire, earth, water), no levels, no borders, no outlines, no shape, no delineation ...... does that have MEANING to you?   Does it?   (This is by no means the full nature of Light! But if you start WITH all LIGHT, you will easily see the power, the whole, the presence, the Goodness, Action, Substance, Love That Light already IS.) All Love, Kay ~ 470 Adairsville GA Retreat (recording 10/29/21)